Friday, July 8, 2011

Team KurzaWINski drinking night at Fregata Nightclub

Tonight was the team party and although Marco didn't make it, and Marc was in damn Paris, and Emilio was in Italia......... it was still fun.
A few new guys scouting out the team for next year I suppose by seeing how we drink.  A more impressive display would be when Marc and I go away in March for training in the states.  Or when we go out with our friend from Wheels of Bloor racing.
Eric Davis from Reika Sport.  Always loud,  Mostly cool.  Alex from the BCC hiding in the rear.

Our new Skin Suit

Andrew from Mid Week Cycling, Krys and some drunken dork who brought a double chin

Stan drinking  his secret weapon.  Not EPO.  thats a different blog.....

Andy the Assassin, Dave, Phils wife, Krys, and Phil Palmer 

Vito, Phil, Krys, Jen, Martin

The photo Jen didn't want posted

The stinky finger getting pointed at Phil