I am following my program to the letter and the legs don't even look like mine anymore. I am told next weeks program is adding a lot more power work. The Barodeur is coming to town this spring.
After some long deliberation I have decided to try altering my diet a bit, starting now. First thing is cutting out white bread. I probably eat too much of that as it is. Even if it is in the form of a soft fresh, delicious pita shell. No more white rice. More raw veggies. Even less dairy. Currently I don't consume much dairy, with the exception of choco milk. But I can find an alternative. I almost never eat read meat save maybe a monthly burger or steak burrito. I have nearly dropped beer from my diet entirely. That is the hard one. And although its an integral part of this diet I have to have some sort of crutch. I never get drunk anymore, but I sure do love me some Duvel after a hard ride or while scanning my Internet machine.
Gotta go sell some bikes today.